HIRSHABELLE [SONNA] -The president of the federal state of Hirshabelle Mohamed Abdi Waare has launched flood control project in Baladweyne. Baladweyne has seen its worst flooding in recent years with thousands of residents being displaced every year. The situation has been so severe in the last two years which led to an international outcry sonna repots.
The federal government of Somalia formed Baladweyne emergency task force last year to coordinate emergency services in Baladweyne. Several had lost their lives and others had lost their belongings due to recommendations from the task force and the impact was slightly reduced this year but still the floods had devastating effect on the town.
President Ware together with his cabinet launched the flood control project in Baladweyne to find an end to the recurring crises every year. Others who took part in the launch include the governor for Hiraan, federal Baladweyne emergency task force, and sections of the civil society in Baladweyne.
International agencies such as food agriculture organization (FAO), took part in the conference virtually. The organizations had rolled out their plans towards floods control in Baladweyne. They assured president Ware that they will take part in eradicating the floods situation in the region.
The president said the project will be in three phases. He said there 60 points were the river bursts its banks and sealing those points will be top priority. Other additions 8 points where the river has been already sealed off but requires strengthening due to the volume of the water during the rainy season.
Finally, the president of Hirshabele was awarded a certificate of honor for his reconciliation efforts in the region and for his exceptional leadership during the floods crises. The certificate was presented by the governor of Hiraan region Ali Jeyte Osman.