May 04-05, 2024
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
We, the Kings, Presidents and Emirs of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation, gathered at the Fifteen Session of the Islamic Summit Conference held in
Banjul, The Republic of The Gambia, from 25-26 Dhul-Qi’dah 1445 A.H, corresponding
to 04 – 05 May 2024;
Reaffirming our commitment to the principles and objectives enshrined in the Charter of
the OIC, in particular respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, noninterference in their domestic affairs and peaceful resolution of disputes;
Adhering to the noble Islamic values of unity and fraternity, peace, solidarity compassion,
tolerance, equality, justice, moderation, balance and human dignity;
Attached to the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter and to International
Stressing the importance of promoting education, human rights, tolerance, moderation, and
middle stance;
Recognizing the importance of interfaith and intercultural dialogue as an effective
mechanism against all forms of racism, discrimination, xenophobia, Islamophobia,
extremism and incitement to hatred based on religion and race;
Underscoring our attachment to inclusive and balanced multilateralism to contribute to
international peace, security, justice, and sustainable development, and to promote
dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions, friendly relations and good
neighbourliness, mutual respect and cooperation;
1- Affirm our solidarity in confronting the humanitarian catastrophe befalling Gaza Strip and
its people due to the unflinching Israeli aggression for more than six months without
respect for the most basic moral and humanitarian values, and call on the countries of the
world to take action to stop the crime of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation
against the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip and to implement the provisional measures
ordered by the International Court of Justice; and affirm that all efforts should be made to
accelerate the delivery of all humanitarian aid and reject any attempts to displace the
Palestinian people from their land.
2- Reiterate our solid support for the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle to attain
their inalienable rights including their right to self-determination and to establish their
sovereign state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital and call upon the international
community to compel the Occupying power to abide by international law, and United
Nations resolutions and end its illegal occupation, colonization of and apartheid in the
Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. Failure to do so is bound to prolong the
conflict, cause further suffering and instability in the region and diminish the chances of a
“Two-State Solution”.
3- Reaffirm the need to enable the Palestinian people to realize their legitimate national rights,
as recognised by the international community, including through its recognition of the fully
sovereign State of Palestine within on the 1967 borders, with Al-Quds Al-Shareef as its
4- Take all measures to safeguard the Islamic identity of Al-Quds Al-Sharif from the illegal
measures and policies as well as Judaization attempts of the occupier and the violations
against the sanctity and the status of Al-Haram Al-Sharif.
5. Urge our Palestinian brothers and sisters to unite in their struggle to achieve their
objectives, under the banner of the Palestine Liberation Organization the sole legitimate
representative of the Palestinian people.
6. Confirm the full solidarity of Member States with the Palestinian People in their struggle
to free themselves from foreign occupation and colonization and condemn all illegal
actions aimed at denying them their legitimate rights, commend the role of UNRWA in
serving the Palestinian refugees and invite all States and the international community to
continue supporting it to execute its historic mandate and responsibility.
7. We call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and cessation of the all-out
aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza, as well as for providing humanitarian,
medical, and relief aid, providing water and electricity, and opening humanitarian corridors
to deliver urgent aid to the Gaza Strip in an unhindered and adequate manner ; warn of the
danger of continuing the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing, including starvation,
deprivation of water, and preventing entry of fuel, which led to a genuine disaster for all
health and humanitarian sectors; and affirm our categorical rejection and confrontation, by
all means, to any attempt at forcibly displacing, expelling or transferring the Palestinian
people from their land;
8. We pay tribute to the solidarity of African peoples and governments with the struggle of
the Palestinian people, specifically the Member States of the OIC, and their firm stance to
end the historical injustice that has befallen the Palestinian people, based on their bitter
experience with ending colonization and apartheid, and affirm our continued support for
the Palestinian people and their just struggle until they gain all their legitimate and
inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination, freedom and independence.
9. Reiterate the importance of resorting to dialogue and mediation for peaceful settlement of
disputes thereby creating a tension-free atmosphere among the Islamic Ummah.
10. Stress the importance of strengthening preventive diplomacy in order to contribute
significantly to achieving peace, saving lives and resources as well as attaining the
aspirations of our peoples for sustainable development.
11. Underline the importance we attach to decent living and protection of the rights of Muslim
communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States.
12. Express our solidarity with Muslim communities and minorities in a number of non-OIC
Member States who face persecution, injustice and aggression, extend necessary support
to their legitimate causes, and call for further international efforts to safeguard their rights,
dignity and religious and cultural identity.
13. Reaffirm the continued political, moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people and
call upon the United Nations Security Council to take effective measures to implement its
resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir to enable the Kashmiri people to exercise their
inalienable right to self-determination through a UN-supervised plebiscite;
14. Reaffirm the urgent need to resolve the longstanding disputes including Palestine and
Jammu and Kashmir as per United Nations’ relevant resolutions and wishes of their people
to avoid continuous threat to peace and security of the Middle East and South Asia;
15. Express deep concern over the increasing systematic persecution of Muslims and other
minorities in India that has led to their political, economic and social marginalization and
urge the Government of India to take necessary measures to protect their lives and
properties and prevent any such acts in the future;
16. Pay tribute to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, and
other Member States for leading efforts at the UN General Assembly for the adoption of
the Resolutions designating 15 March as “International Day to Combat Islamophobia” in
2022 and “Measures to Combat Islamophobia” on March 15, 2024 and urge the UN
Secretary General to appoint United Nations Special Envoy to combat Islamophobia and
implement other relevant measures contained in these resolutions;
17. Call upon Member States and other countries to take all measures, including legislative
and policy measures to combat religious intolerance, negative stereotyping, hatred,
incitement to violence and violence against persons on the ground of their religion or belief;
18. Emphasize to continue deliberations on full activation of the OIC Peace and Security
architecture and appreciate Islamic Republic of Pakistan for initiating discussion to
deliberate and develop mechanisms for conflict prevention, meditation, reconciliation, and
peace building to address contemporary challenges and conflicts confronting the Muslim
19. Reaffirm our support for a peaceful, stable, prosperous and inclusive Afghanistan and in
this regard reiterate the need to address the challenges faced by Afghan people, such as
humanitarian, human rights, ethnic groups, security and terrorism, narcotics and social
20. Stress the importance of full respect for the human rights of all Afghans and the need to
protect the fundamental rights of Afghan girls and women, especially the right to education
and work, and call for more communication with the de facto authorities on these issues .
We also emphasize the need to make more efforts to address the challenges associated with
ethnic groups, terrorism, drugs and social aspects for inclusive governance to achieve
sustainable stability.
21. Reaffirm our unwavering support to the countries and peoples of the Sahel region facing
daunting security and humanitarian challenges involving armed conflicts, violent
extremism, food insecurity, and vulnerabilities amplified by climate change.
22. Pay tribute to The Republic of the Gambia for its leading efforts at the level of the
International Court of Justice, on behalf of the OIC, to hold to account those responsible
for genocide and other atrocities against Rohingya Muslims.
23. Support United Nations General Assembly Draft Resolution to designate 11 July as the
International day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica,
stressing the importance for the international community to prevent the recurrence of
similar crimes.
24. Condemn in the strongest terms the repeated incidents of burning copies of the Holy Quran
in a number of European countries and call again on the concerned countries and the
international community to take comprehensive and necessary actions to prevent the
recurrence of such acts and to counter the alarming surge of Islamophobia.
25. Strongly condemn all forms of intolerance, terrorism, violence, extremism leading to
violence, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and discrimination of any kind based on
ethnicity, tribe, color, and religion.
26. Underline the importance of fostering tolerance, dialogue and cooperation among
civilizations, religions, cultures, and peoples as the most effective way to address the
scourges of racism, discrimination, religious hatred and Islamophobia.
27. Urge the international community to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), particularly poverty alleviation, climate change, food
security, health and education consistent with Islamic Principles and values.
28. Underline the need for more international efforts to protect the rights of women, children,
youth, the elderly and people with special needs as well as Islamic family values.
29. Stress the need to confront the challenge of water scarcity, which has escalated over recent
decades to become a global challenge with the continuation of human development,
increasing population growth, and the worsening repercussions of the water-related climate
change phenomenon, especially in arid countries.
30. Welcome the outcomes of the International Conference on Women in Islam, hosted by the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on November 6-8, 2023, in Jeddah, including the education of
girls and the rights to work for women.
31. Affirm the right to sustainable development and the eradication of poverty
32. Underscore the importance of implementing the “OIC-2025: Program of Action” to
achieve the set goals in the political, economic, social and cultural fields Call for enhanced
coordination and consultation among Member States and OIC organs to prepare the 2026
– 2035 Program of Action.
33. Pay tribute to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of His Majesty King
Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, The Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques and His Royal
Highness Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, (May Allah
preserve and protect them) for their continued generous support and guidance to the OIC
and the Ummah in general for the attainment of global peace, justice, harmony, security
and sustainable development.
34. Congratulate and Commend the Government and People of The Gambia for hosting the
15th OIC Islamic Summit, particularly His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow, President of
the Republic of The Gambia, for assuming the Chairmanship of this Organization and
assure him of our unflinching support and prayers to Allah to grant him the wisdom and
strength to further concretize the bonds of fraternity, cooperation and solidarity among
Islamic Countries in the service of the Ummah.
May Allah The Almighty and Omniscient bless our undertakings and grant us success
in the achievement of our noble objectives for the Ummah and humanity at large.